Aloha everyone. My name is Mahina and I was born with various handicaps which include being hearing impaired, speech impaired, inability to walk, heart, kidney and lung abnormalities, all stemming from an inverted #6 chromosome. Since the day I was born in 2005, I've started to overcome my disabilities day by day to the amazement of my physicians, family and friends. Although I have a long way to go, it's the little steps that make each big step. With help from my loving parents, we will start to document my daily lifestyle, good, along with the bad.
アロハ。私はマヒナです。私はno.6の染色体異常で、耳が聞こえない、喋れない、食べれない、歩けない、心臓. 腎臓. 呼吸機能の障害をもって産まれてきました。2005年に生まれ自分のペースでゆっくりと成長していき家族.友達.先生も驚いています。これからパパとママが私の楽し事や辛い事の日常生活をこのブログに記載しますので宜しくお願いします。MAHINA KE ALOHA



Today daddy went to school with me because mommy and Hani chan were busy. It was so fun because I got to show daddy how much I'm learning. First I choose today's color, red, then choose today's weather, sunny. After that, I choose the song I wanted to do. We were supposed to go in the pool, but it was too cold today so we went fishing instead. Thanks for coming to school with me daddy!



After spending the last 5 weeks in the hospital, I'M HOME! It was a long stay this time with lots of yucky shots and testing. I'm happy to be home and with my family.