Me and my balance ball. I love this thing. It's the first thing that I play with when I get up in the mornings. Everyday is rehabilitation day! YAY!
Aloha everyone. My name is Mahina and I was born with various handicaps which include being hearing impaired, speech impaired, inability to walk, heart, kidney and lung abnormalities, all stemming from an inverted #6 chromosome. Since the day I was born in 2005, I've started to overcome my disabilities day by day to the amazement of my physicians, family and friends. Although I have a long way to go, it's the little steps that make each big step. With help from my loving parents, we will start to document my daily lifestyle, good, along with the bad.
アロハ。私はマヒナです。私はno.6の染色体異常で、耳が聞こえない、喋れない、食べれない、歩けない、心臓. 腎臓. 呼吸機能の障害をもって産まれてきました。2005年に生まれ自分のペースでゆっくりと成長していき家族.友達.先生も驚いています。これからパパとママが私の楽し事や辛い事の日常生活をこのブログに記載しますので宜しくお願いします。MAHINA KE ALOHA
アロハ。私はマヒナです。私はno.6の染色体異常で、耳が聞こえない、喋れない、食べれない、歩けない、心臓. 腎臓. 呼吸機能の障害をもって産まれてきました。2005年に生まれ自分のペースでゆっくりと成長していき家族.友達.先生も驚いています。これからパパとママが私の楽し事や辛い事の日常生活をこのブログに記載しますので宜しくお願いします。MAHINA KE ALOHA
This is me in the mornings. After a long nights sleep, I'm ready to go. Mommy makes sure I'm nice and warm for my morning car ride. Not looking so stylish but keeping me warm are my purple pajamas, fuzzy polka dot socks and fleece sweater. When it's break time, I always put my feet up and relax! YAY!
This is me in the mornings. After a long nights sleep, I'm ready to go. Mommy makes sure I'm nice and warm for my morning car ride. Not looking so stylish but keeping me warm are my purple pajamas, fuzzy polka dot socks and fleece sweater. When it's break time, I always put my feet up and relax! YAY!
マヒちゃんは洗濯物干しが朝の楽しみだけど、ママは、邪魔しないで!っと、いつも怒るけど 、マヒちゃんはママのお手伝いをしているつもりなのにな〜。でも又、手伝うからね。
One of Mahina's favorite things to do in the mornings, is to help mommy with the laundry. She finds the basket, tips it over, and then works on spilling everything out onto the floor. She also likes to pull on the clothes as they're hanging and waiting to be taken outside. She thinks it's the funniest thing but by the look on mommy's face I'd guess otherwise.
One of Mahina's favorite things to do in the mornings, is to help mommy with the laundry. She finds the basket, tips it over, and then works on spilling everything out onto the floor. She also likes to pull on the clothes as they're hanging and waiting to be taken outside. She thinks it's the funniest thing but by the look on mommy's face I'd guess otherwise.
アンスリュームが咲きました。パパとママは観葉植物が大好きで家の中には、モンステラ、ティーリーフ、パパイヤ、プルメリア、ハワイアンティーなど沢山あります。今の冬の時期は乾燥を防いでくれるので良いですよね! この牛さんは、マヒちゃんの出生祝いにアンティーノナからもらい、一番お気に入りのおもちゃです。パペットになっていて、手を入れて遊ぶのが大好きです。
Some of my favorites...
Our anthurium shot out another flower! YAY! Mommy and daddy love these special flowers. We have a lot of other tropical plants in our house too. Monstera, Hawaiian Ti, papaya, Ti-leaf, and plumeria!
My cow puppet is like my security blanket. It was given to me by my Aunty Nona. Thank you aunty! It goes with me everywhere, especially when I go to the hospital.
Some of my favorites...
Our anthurium shot out another flower! YAY! Mommy and daddy love these special flowers. We have a lot of other tropical plants in our house too. Monstera, Hawaiian Ti, papaya, Ti-leaf, and plumeria!
My cow puppet is like my security blanket. It was given to me by my Aunty Nona. Thank you aunty! It goes with me everywhere, especially when I go to the hospital.
マヒちゃんの成長の証/I'M GROWING!
Over 2 years ago we had this bed made for me. At the time it was the perfect size! Since then, I've grown and gotten taller and taller so daddy went to the hardware store the other day and extended the height on it. Now I'm safe again! THANKS DADDY!
Over 2 years ago we had this bed made for me. At the time it was the perfect size! Since then, I've grown and gotten taller and taller so daddy went to the hardware store the other day and extended the height on it. Now I'm safe again! THANKS DADDY!
このピンクのMAUI BUILTパーカーは、パパのマウイの友達のアンティーシェリーが送ってくれました。マウイのサーフブランドでMADE IN MAUIと言う意味です。胸にはハワイ諸島がプリントされてて、とても可愛いです。 オレンジ色のこの車は、マヒちゃんの足がわりで、名前はブッブブーです。ブッブブーに乗って何処にでも行けちゃいます。
Some of my favorite things. First, do you see this pink sweater I'm wearing? It's from my aunty Shary in Maui. It's a very popular surf brand called MAUI BUILT, and all the locals wear it. I always wear mine too even though I'm not a local Maui girl. Second is my orange car. I love this thing! It's basically my legs and it's how I get around the house when I'm not eating. I'm actually a really good driver.
Some of my favorite things. First, do you see this pink sweater I'm wearing? It's from my aunty Shary in Maui. It's a very popular surf brand called MAUI BUILT, and all the locals wear it. I always wear mine too even though I'm not a local Maui girl. Second is my orange car. I love this thing! It's basically my legs and it's how I get around the house when I'm not eating. I'm actually a really good driver.
二ヶ月前にピンクの歩行器を作ってもらいました。ポンプとボトルを付けれるので注入中でも自由に何処でも行けるようになりました。マヒちゃん、手話で愛してます!と言っていますが、いつぐらい前からかは忘れましたが、誰も教えていないのにするようになりビックリです。 みんな LOVE YOU!!!!
About 2 months ago I had this walker made for me. It has attachments for my bottle and feeding pump so that I can move all around the house while eating. I don't have to be in my bed during the whole feeding process anymore! YAY! Thanks to everyone who has been checking my blog too. I'm getting over 100 hits everyday. Almost as popular as daddy's blog. Until next time....LOVE YOU!
About 2 months ago I had this walker made for me. It has attachments for my bottle and feeding pump so that I can move all around the house while eating. I don't have to be in my bed during the whole feeding process anymore! YAY! Thanks to everyone who has been checking my blog too. I'm getting over 100 hits everyday. Almost as popular as daddy's blog. Until next time....LOVE YOU!
Yesterday was Kanade's 6th birthday and he and his mommy came over to visit. It's been a long time since our mommies met. They brought us some special gifts. Natural eggs from their hens and some baby carrots from their garden. THANK YOU!
Yesterday was Kanade's 6th birthday and he and his mommy came over to visit. It's been a long time since our mommies met. They brought us some special gifts. Natural eggs from their hens and some baby carrots from their garden. THANK YOU!
Today was a very beautiful day with good weather. Even though it's winter, our house gets a lot of sunshine and is actually pretty warm on our deck. Hanging out in the hammock is something I like doing all year round. I love swinging back and forth and mommy always gives me sunglasses to wear.
Today was a very beautiful day with good weather. Even though it's winter, our house gets a lot of sunshine and is actually pretty warm on our deck. Hanging out in the hammock is something I like doing all year round. I love swinging back and forth and mommy always gives me sunglasses to wear.
I went to my school this morning again. It's been a long time since me and my classmates were all together, so we had lots of fun playing in the ball pool. It was so much fun!
I went to my school this morning again. It's been a long time since me and my classmates were all together, so we had lots of fun playing in the ball pool. It was so much fun!
I got a nice New Years money gift from my favorite uncle Shinya. Uncle Shinya always comes over to the house and does rehabilitation with me too. I always get so excited when he comes over because I know he's going to do something special for me. I wish everyone could have an uncle Shinya! And if there are any single ladies out there....??? He likes surfing, cooking and can speak English too!
I got a nice New Years money gift from my favorite uncle Shinya. Uncle Shinya always comes over to the house and does rehabilitation with me too. I always get so excited when he comes over because I know he's going to do something special for me. I wish everyone could have an uncle Shinya! And if there are any single ladies out there....??? He likes surfing, cooking and can speak English too!
Being connected to my feeding pump has it's drawbacks. It takes a long time to eat which means I need to be kept very close to my food. About 2 and a half years ago, mommy and daddy had this bed made for me. It makes it easier to manage the distance from my pump. On the other hand, I've been able to learn how to stand up and also to walk around the bed using the rails. My balance has gotten really good recently too! So good in fact that I can now put my leg up on the railing. Oh Oh! I'm ready to make a break for the border. Better get daddy to rig up a higher rail!
Being connected to my feeding pump has it's drawbacks. It takes a long time to eat which means I need to be kept very close to my food. About 2 and a half years ago, mommy and daddy had this bed made for me. It makes it easier to manage the distance from my pump. On the other hand, I've been able to learn how to stand up and also to walk around the bed using the rails. My balance has gotten really good recently too! So good in fact that I can now put my leg up on the railing. Oh Oh! I'm ready to make a break for the border. Better get daddy to rig up a higher rail!
Since I was born I couldn't swallow. I've been on a feeding pump and tube that enters trough my nose, bypasses my stomach and feeds my intestines. It's a slow process and I'm eating about 18 hours a day. It's a long time, but 8 of the hours I'm sleeping. The rest of the time I'm in my play space with my toys, books and mommy.
Since I was born I couldn't swallow. I've been on a feeding pump and tube that enters trough my nose, bypasses my stomach and feeds my intestines. It's a slow process and I'm eating about 18 hours a day. It's a long time, but 8 of the hours I'm sleeping. The rest of the time I'm in my play space with my toys, books and mommy.
先週、マウイの伯母さん(英語ではアンティ)から、少し遅いクリスマスプレゼントが届きました。ヤッター!アンティはいつも、ハワイの美味しいお菓子などを送ってくれます。今回マヒナにはマウイのサーフブランド、MAUI BUILTの水色のTシャツです。ヤッター!早く暖かくなって、たんぽぽ組に着て行きたいです。ありがとアンティ!
My aunty from Maui sent us some goodies last week. YAY! She always sends the best cookies and chocolates for mommy and snacks for daddy. She usually sends me a t-shirt from MAUI TROPIX/MAUI BUILT, and this time she sent me a light blue one. YAY! I can't wait until spring so that I can wear it to school! Thank you Maui aunty!
My aunty from Maui sent us some goodies last week. YAY! She always sends the best cookies and chocolates for mommy and snacks for daddy. She usually sends me a t-shirt from MAUI TROPIX/MAUI BUILT, and this time she sent me a light blue one. YAY! I can't wait until spring so that I can wear it to school! Thank you Maui aunty!
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Well, my winter break is over and I'm back to school today! It was really fun to see all my classmates and teachers even though I was a little sleepy today. I hope to have a good year in school and can't wait for the cold winter to go away so we can all play outside again!
Well, my winter break is over and I'm back to school today! It was really fun to see all my classmates and teachers even though I was a little sleepy today. I hope to have a good year in school and can't wait for the cold winter to go away so we can all play outside again!
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いってきます/here I go |
Every time I go into the hospital for a long stay, I lose a patch of hair from laying down for so long, and also from the sheets there. This time was pretty bad as I was in hospital for a little over 2 weeks. Oh well...It'll grow back soon.
Until then, I'm gonna wear some head bands and knit caps.
Every time I go into the hospital for a long stay, I lose a patch of hair from laying down for so long, and also from the sheets there. This time was pretty bad as I was in hospital for a little over 2 weeks. Oh well...It'll grow back soon.
Until then, I'm gonna wear some head bands and knit caps.
It was a nice sunny day today and a little warmer than previous days so we decided to go to the local Temple and make our wishes for the new year.
It was a nice sunny day today and a little warmer than previous days so we decided to go to the local Temple and make our wishes for the new year.
MAHINA KE ALOHA. A Hawaiian name given to me by my daddy which translates to THE BELOVED MOONLIGHT. Mommy and Daddy call me Mahi chan, and some people call me Aloha chan. "Chan" is Japanese and is used among children or people of a younger age than yourself and can be used for both boys and girls.
マヒナケアロハ。パパがハワイ 語の名前を付けてくれました。綺麗に輝く月の光と言う意味です。ママとパパはマヒちゃんと呼びます。たまにアロハちゃんと呼ぶ人もいます。
マヒナケアロハ。パパがハワイ 語の名前を付けてくれました。綺麗に輝く月の光と言う意味です。ママとパパはマヒちゃんと呼びます。たまにアロハちゃんと呼ぶ人もいます。
So my favorite uncle in all the world has encouraged my mommy and daddy to start a new style of blog for all of my readers. We really want to start sharing with everyone, the ups, downs, good times and struggles that we as a family endure. So, as soon as I get out of the hospital tomorrow, we'll get some new photos up, and also mommy's gonna start writing in Japanese too. So until tomorrow....ALOHA!
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